zaterdag 28 juli 2012

INSPIRATION | Rib tattoos

Pictures via Tumblr.

Rib tattoos. I always thought they're amazing, but since a couple of months I'm more and more picturing myself with one of these beauties. I really don't want to rush into anything, let's face it, it's no pair of shoes. So for now, it's just dreaming and looking for the perfect one. The perfect one that, if I'm still dreaming, wishing, craving and drewling by these babies after a few months, will be put on my ribs too.

I know the spot for sure, on my ribs. The kind of tattoo I'm not sure of though. I like a word tattoo, but also a more graceful flower or feather-something.

Now I'm really curious! Who of my readers has a tattoo? Which of the above do you like best?

Enjoy your weekend!

Love, P.

Follow me with BLOGLOVIN or TWITTER.

1 opmerking:

  1. Great selection. My favorite is the "let it be" one, it's more dainty and subtle. Your blog is so cute =)

    Suzie Q
    Stella & Dot Bracelet GIVEAWAY


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